Welcome to my technical writing sample page. Here are some of my recent works to let you evaluate my organization and writing skill as a technical writer. In most of the cases, I started from scratch and finished the job alone or together.
- Samples
TentuPlay Docs (I implemented this doc site by using a static site generator and wrote most of the content myself)
CMID Manager V2 Admin Guide (hand-written, PDF download )
EF-45 REST API Reference (auto-generated)
- Language
English, Korean
- Tools
Authoring mark-up language: Asciidoc (with Asciidoctor toolchain)
Static site generator (for TentuPlay Docs): Antora
Version control systems: Git, Gitlab, Github
Web services: AWS S3, AWS Cloudfront
Text editors: VSCode, Atom
Graphics tools: PlantUML, Draw.io, Adobe Illustrator
REST API reference doc generation toolchain: Redoc
- Publishing format
HTML5 (for static doc website), PDF (for print),
- Scopes
I did the following for all of the sample content:
Doc planning
Research, collect, and interview
Outline and organize
Write draft and create graphics (e.g. diagrams)
Edit and facilitate review process
I did the following for the documentation site:
Rearch and evaluate to choose the static site generator that fits our needs
Set up and test
Customize UI templates
Implement Korean doc search and page switching between languages functionality
Configure CI/CD to automate build and deploy process
- My resume
You can find my English resume here
- Writing sample archive
The archive contains a few of my previous works such as product manuals, a white paper, a style guide, and company blog posts.